Saturday, June 30, 2012

HDH139-Strange Brew

Here is the recipe the Minions at Haunted Design House cooked up for Macabre Monday.

2 Layers
1 main image
Some metal bits
Black pearls
Ribbon or trim
1 punched element

Here is what I concocted out of it.

Black card is my first layer. My second layer is also my main image, something Dark Tower themed.  I trimmed the picture with some black paper I cut all fancy like.  My metal bits are the plates in the corners, and his neato lasso I made out of earring/watch parts. Punched element is that crown at the bottom.  Black pearls on the corners as well.  Boom.

Must be off, places to go.  People to kill.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our Best Friend

Many people I know have furry children.  We bring them into our home and make them a part of our family.  Some don't understand it, but they don't have too.  Our furry baby is Kona.  I bought her for Mr. Korpsgryndr in our first year together, for his birthday.  She was 5 weeks old.  She is an American Pit Bull Terrier, and a fine example of what a pit, or a dog, should be.  We are complete pit bull advocates, and have worked hard to try to help break the horrible stereotypes and discrimination these poor dogs endure.  Kona is our first baby, and has raised many children.
This is her and my nephew, Jayden, whom she's known since conception.  As far as she is concerned, Jayden is HER baby.  Kona has brought so much joy and happiness to those around her, and been the best friend and dog ANYONE  could ask for.  She is now 10, and was diagnosed with cancer a few months back.  It ain't really fixable.  There is no time limit, however the vet did explain that this cancer could spread.  It has. She has had bad knees for a few years.  Needless to say, Kona is now heading towards her final days.  We don't know when they will be, but we have noticed that she just isn't herself lately.  I can't put into words how much this dog means to me, or how much I feel I owe her.  She has given me so much, it would take me a lifetime to repay her loyalty and love.  She lives a wonderful, spoiled life, but that wasn't enough for me. 

I got her face, and her beautiful smile, forever on my leg.  Now, no matter what, she will always be with me.

HDH138-Eerie Elegance

Macabre Monday this week says to goth out something elegant.  I decided to do a little CASEing, in a way. 

I saw this image on Creepy G's page.  It's Draco from Simply Betty's Steampunk Hallowe'en line.  I dig the steampunk images from SB, but have always found them a bit difficult to color.  When I saw that Creepy G had blown up the image and cut it in half, it made so much sense!  So I did.  Draco himself is eerie elegance, with his dapper outfit and skull face.  It didn't come out to well in the photo(never frickin does), but the bg paper is a foil green which I love.  Had to had a little filigree and a black rose to really drive it home.  I even added a little dew on the flower purty with a Sakura gelly roll pen.  Fun.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Haunted Dilly Beans

Here is what I have cooked up this week.  I won this image from a Macabre Monday challenge sponsored by Dilly Beans.  I dig Megan's art and I finally got a chance to play with some. 

I wanted to use this image for HDH137-Perplexing Pigment Play, in which we must use black, purple, teal, and lime green.   These little dunce skellies were cool to color.   I also noticed the challenge at Dilly Beans this week is purple, so it's a win win for me! I will enter this in both challenges, if you please.  Even if I don't win, I had fun, which is what is important.  Unless we're talking about the lottery. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

HDH136-Truebie or not Truebie..

That IS the question.  I am a Truebie, among other various things.  I love True Blood, and we even have a nice little group that gathers every Sunday. We take turns on who is cooking who, etc.  Macabre Monday at Haunted Design House asks us to use TB this week to inspire.  That it did, and then some.  I am rather proud of my offering.

I got out all my TB paper dolls and finally put them to use.  My sister and I spent many hours as kids playing with paper dolls of various styles, though most were Barbie.  I remember them fondly.  The preparation was the funnest part.  Punching out all the clothes and such from their perforated sheets, ah so much fun.

Let me assure you that THESE paper dolls did not come like that.  I fussy cut EVERY SINGLE ONE of these bastards.  Not cool enough, you say?  Well, I even fussy cut every single outfit, including shoes, and Talbot up there.  You wouldn't believe how much trouble Jessica gave me.  She is 5 pieces alone.  My CTS is not happy this week, that's for sure.  Yep, they all come naked.  Okay, most are in underwear, but a few are naked.  I scored a super cool blood drip sticker from a crafty pal, and printed out a Merlotte's bg. Other than that and the cool TB sign, I wanted to let the cast speak for itself.  It was fun deciding what outfits to put them in.  For those of you who don't know(I can't imagine who wouldn't), here is the line up.

Top L-R-Russell Edgington(holding his beloved Talbot), Sam Merlotte, Jason Stackhouse(with a crazy Jessica behind him), Jessica Hamby, Hoyt Fortenberry, Alcide Herveax.

Bottom L-R-Tara Thornton, Pam Swynford de Beaufort, Eric Northman, Sookie Stackhouse, Bill Compton, Lafayette Reynolds.

I look forward to this Sunday when we join the cast again.  I am excited for the return of Russell, whom I believe is going to tear shit up along with the Vampire Authority.  The more blood the better!

Oh, and a little something for the die hard Truebies...
Told you they came nekkid.